
Poker is a card game that has a wide variety of variations. It is a team sport and players compete against each other to create the best hand out of a combination of their two cards and the five cards on the table.

The game is played in a series of betting intervals, or rounds. Each round begins with a player making a bet of a fixed number of chips. The next player can call, raise or fold, depending on their position at the table.

In some games, a player may also check-raise. When this occurs, they may increase the previous high bet. The ‘check-raise’ is usually accompanied by an announcement, such as “I’m checking!”

Betting strategy

There are a few different betting strategies that can be employed in poker. Some of the main ones include:


A good poker player should play tight in the first betting round. This means that they should call or raise in proportion to the size of their bet sizing, and they should avoid raising more than their stack.

Stack sizes

When playing against small stacked opponents, it is a good idea to play more hands that have high card strength. This will help you to improve your odds of winning the pot, and to make your opponent cough up more money to stay in.


Bluffing is a deceptive play style that is roughly the opposite of slow-playing. It involves checking or betting weakly with a strong holding, with the intent of inducing other players with stronger hands to fold.